Become a Vaia Premium Member

You can upgrade your Vaia account at any time and access all the benefits of Premium in just a few seconds.

To convince yourself of the benefits, you can test Premium for 7 days free of charge!

Activate Vaia Premium (Mobile App) 

  1. Go to your profile. (left icon in the navigation bar below)
  2. Scroll down until you see a blue box that says "Vaia Premium".
  3. Click on "Try it now" under the description of Vaia Premium.
  4. Select your desired duration and try Vaia Premium for one week free of charge. 

Frequently asked questions 

Can I cancel Vaia Premium during the 7 days?

Yes, you can cancel the membership during the trial period. In this case, there won´t be any costs for you.

Can I switch between the different trial periods?

Yes, you can, for example, start with a monthly term and then switch to an annual term if you wish. Your selected trial period will start from the end of your current term.

What does Vaia Premium offer me?

With Vaia Premium you can study an unlimited number of flashcards offline and you won't see any ads at all. Additionally, you support the further development of Vaia Premium :)


Do you have any questions about this feature?

Please send us an email to, and our support team will take care of your request as soon as possible.

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