How can I create a subset?

At Vaia, you can create study sets in your library to structure your study materials. You can add subsets to your study sets to organize your study materials further. This way, you can create one study set per subject and divide the different topics into subsets to keep an overview in your account.
You can upload your study materials for each subset or create flashcards and notes like in the study sets.
The study set is a summary of all your subsets. You can access your subsets content through the study set and create content directly in the study set.

Create subsets (Web App)

  1. Go to the "Library" overview. (second icon in the left navigation bar)
  2. Now click on "+ Add subset" directly under the study set to which you want to add a subset.
  3. Now you can enter the name of your subset. To keep your account organized, create one subset for each topic's name in your subject/module. 
  4. Finally, click on "Create".
  5. Now you can upload your learning materials and create flashcards and notes in your subset.


Create subsets (Mobile App)

  1. Go to the "Library" overview. (second icon from the left)
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner next to the desired study set.
  3. Then select "+ Add subset".
  4. Now you can enter the name of your subset. To keep your account organized, create one subset for each topic's name in your subject/module. 
  5. Finally, click on "OK" to create the subset.
  6. Now you can upload your learning materials and create flashcards and notes in your subset.


Frequently asked questions: 

How many subsets can I add to my study set? 

You can create as many subsets per study set as you like. Your subsets will be synchronized between the Web and Mobile App so you can access them anytime!  

Can I change the name of my subsets? 

Yes, you can change the name of your subsets at any time. To do so, click on the three dots on the right of your subset name and then select "Edit" to change the name of your set. 


Do you have any further questions regarding this feature?

Please don't hesitate to contact us at Our Support will be happy to help you.

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