To make sure you really learn what you need for your exams, we recommend uploading your learning materials as a document in your study set. By using your documents, you can better understand your study content and even create flashcards and notes out of them in the next step.
Vaia supports PDF, PPT and DOC files for uploading documents.
When you upload your documents, the visibility is set to "Private" by default. This means that your documents will not be shared with other users for now. If you want to share your documents with other users or your study group, you will need to change this setting.
How can I upload documents in my set? (Web App)
- Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon in the left navigation bar)
- Select the set for which you want to upload a document.
- Then go to the "Documents" tab.
- Click on the button "Upload document".
- Now you can select the document you want to upload. Remember that Vaia supports PDF, PPT, and DOC files for uploading documents.
How can I upload documents in my set? (Mobile App)
- Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon from the left)
- Select the set for which you want to upload a document.
- Then go to the "Documents" tab.
- Click on the button "Upload / Scan Document".
- Now you can choose whether you want to upload an existing document or scan your learning materials to upload them:
- "Upload Document": Select the document you want to upload for your study set. Remember that Vaia supports PDF, PPT, and DOC files for uploading documents.
- "Scan Document": You can scan your learning materials and upload them as a document in your study set using the scan function.
Frequently asked questions:
With whom will the uploaded documents be shared?
With no one! The uploaded documents are not shared by default. However, you can change the sharing status to "Public" or "Collaborators" at any time.
Do I have to upload any content to learn on Vaia?
No, you can use Vaia without any learning materials of your own. You can also create flashcards or collaborate with your fellow students.
Do you have any further questions regarding this feature?
Please don't hesitate to contact us at Our Support will be happy to help you.