Filter your flashcards as you learn

When learning your flashcards you have the possibility to segment your flashcards. The following filter options are available to you.


Flashcards status

Determine, based on your understanding, which flashcards you want to learn. This means, for example, that you can only learn flashcards that you don't know very well before the exam.

You can activate as many of the options as you want at the same time, i.e. if you select all options, all flashcards of the subject will be displayed.

Unclear: All flashcards that you have rated as unclear will be displayed. 

Unsure: You will be shown all flashcards where you have indicated your understanding as uncertain.  

Understood: You will be shown all the flashcards you have understood. 

Removed: All flashcards that you have removed.

Unrated: Display all flashcards that you have either not rated or not yet seen. 


Card order

Determine the order in which the flashcards are displayed. 

Smart assistant: Our smart flashcards algorithm optimizes the order of your flashcards for you. The order is based on e.g. your learning comprehension, when you last saw the flashcard and how well the flashcard was rated. 

We recommend that you keep this order. More information can be found here [flashcards algorithm article].

Random: The flashcards are displayed in a random order. 

Newest first: You will see the flashcards from newest to oldest.

Oldest first: You will see the flashcards from the oldest to the newest. 


Card creator 

Choose from which creators you want to see flashcards for learning.

Everyone: You will see all flashcards created and shared in the subject.

Only me: You will only see flashcards that you have created yourself.

Same university: You will see all flashcards that you have created and shared by users who have specified the same university as you. You will not see shared flashcards from users for the subject who did not specify the same university as you. 


Flashcards tags 

When you select an index card tag, you will only see index cards with that tag. 


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