Import flashcards

It is possible to import flashcards into Vaia. To import multiple flashcards at once into a set, you can easily upload an Excel spreadsheet to Vaia.

How can I import flashcards from an Excel spreadsheet?

Hint: Use our template for creating flashcards in an Excel spreadsheet to get the best results.

  1. Select "Library" from the left navigation bar.
  2. Select the set to which you want to import flashcards.
  3. Go to the "Flashcards" section.
  4. Click on the three dots in the top right corner and select "Import flashcards (Quizlet/.xlsx)."
  5. Select the section "As .xlsx (from Excel)".
  6. By clicking on the button "Download template", you will be able to use our template to create flashcards in Excel.
  7. The file can be uploaded via drag & drop or by clicking the "Import file" button. 
  8. By selecting the "Upload" button, your flashcards will be imported into Vaia.

Do you have any further questions regarding the import of flashcards?

You can reach our support team via email. (

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