How can I report flashcards?

Vaia wants to support your educational goals. That's why everyone should have the chance to learn topics of their interest. But how will the content on Vaia be created? There are two types. The Vaia originals are produced in-house by our content creators. This content is displayed with a Vaia icon on the set. Secondly, Vaia users can publish their content. Through this feature, the users can support each other with their created content.

Our Vaia originals go through a two-factor quality check. As a result, we also want to continue improving the quality of the content our users share. Therefore, you can use our report feature in our app. The reporting feature allows you to submit ideas, improvements, and other feedback to Vaia.

How can I report flashcards? (Web App)

  1. Select "Library" in the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the set for which you want to report a flashcard. [You only can report content from other users (favored sets), not your own.]
  3. Go to the "Flashcard" section.
  4. Click now on the flashcard you want to report.
  5. The next step is to select the three dots in the upper right corner of your flashcard and choose "Report".
  6. Now you can select between 6 areas to categorize your report better:
    1. Junk or Spam
    2. Incorrect Information
    3. Adult Content 
    4. Violent or Repulsive Content
    5. Other Offensive Content
    6. Other
  7. Please add a comment after you select a category so we can get a better understanding of your report.
  8. In the last step, you only have to click on "report" to forward your report to our support team. 



How can I report flashcards? (Mobile App)

  1. Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon from the left)
  2. Choose the set for which you want to report a flashcard. [You only can report content from other users (favored sets), not your own.]
  3. Go to the "Flashcard" section.
  4. Click now on the flashcard you want to report.
  5. The next step is to select the three dots in the upper right corner of your flashcard and choose "Report".
  6. Now you can select between 6 areas to categorize your report better:
    1. Junk or Spam
    2. Incorrect Information
    3. Adult Content 
    4. Violent or Repulsive Content
    5. Other Offensive Content
    6. Other
  7. Please add a comment after you select a category so we can get a better understanding of your report.
  8. In the last step, you only have to click on "report" to forward your report to our support team. 



Do you have any further questions regarding this feature?

Feel free to contact us at Our Support will be happy to help you.

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