Sort your flashcards with tags

Many different topics can be asked in one subject or exam. Using tags can help you to study the right topics at the right time.

If you tag your flashcards (e.g. chapter 1), you can filter them and only learn flashcards with a certain tag. You can add a tag to a flashcard either directly when you create it or while you are learning.


Add tags to your flashcards

When creating flashcards in the Web App and in the Mobile App, there is a field where you can add a tag to the flashcards. 

As you learn your flashcards, you can also add a tag to your flashcard. To do so, click on the three dots in the upper right corner on the flashcard and then select " + Add Tags". 


Frequently asked questions:

Can I name tags flexibly? 

Yes, you can name your tags as you wish. For example, we suggest creating tags for chapters (Chapter 1; Chapter 2, etc.) or for individual topics (Microeconomics; Anatomy, etc.). 


Will my tags be shared?

Currently not. However, we are working on allowing you to access shared tags and share your own tags as well! 

Do tags work like subsets? 

Yes, you can view tags like subsets for your flashcards. Tags allow you to further sort your study set and you no longer have to create a separate set for each topic. 


How do I learn flashcards with specific tags only? 

When learning flashcards, select the filter icon (top right) and select the tag filter. You will now see an overview of your used tags and you can select the tag to filter by. For example, if you select the tag "Chapter 1" when filtering, only flashcards with the tag "Chapter 1" will be displayed. 


Do you have any further questions regarding this feature?

Feel free to contact us at Our Support will be happy to help you.

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