Instead of creating your own flashcards, you can add matching shared flashcards to your subjects. You can easily choose from millions of shared flashcards.
Find and add shared flashcards (Mobile App)
- Open the subject for which you want to add flashcards.
- Select "Create / Find flashcards".
- Click on the "Find cards" tab in the upper right corner and choose between searching for sets and individual flashcards.
- Sets refer to whole subjects, from which you can take all as well as individual flashcards.
- Enter the term for which you want to add flashcards to your box.
- Now select all the flashcards or sets you want to add and click the green button below to add them.
- You can now answer and learn the added flashcards - just like you would create your own flashcards.
For optimal learning success, we recommend that you use a combination of your own and shared flashcards, so that your level of knowledge is optimally tested.
Frequently asked questions:
Who shares flashcards on Vaia?
Your fellow students! All flashcards you can add have been created and shared for you by other students on Vaia.
What is the best way to find flashcards?
It is best to enter terms that either describe the overall topic (especially for sets) or that should appear on the flashcard (especially for individual flashcards). This way you are guaranteed to find the right flashcards for your learning goal.Do I have to add all flashcards from a set?
No, you can also add only single flashcards. Just select all the flashcards you would like to add and click the button in the lower right corner labeled "Selected".
Can I remove the added index cards?
Yes, you can remove the added cards from your drawer at any time. Either in the index card overview or directly in the learning process. In both cases you have to go to the three dotted points and select "Delete".
Do you have any questions about Spaced Repetition?
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